Radfest is a small community group comprising mainly of parents with teenagers and younger children that was set up in response to needs identified by young people in the Radcliffe on Trent Community Plan 2012/13.

The resultant Action Plan 2014-2024 sets out a vision for the future of the village and was the result of extensive consultation, open meetings and surveys with the whole community, including specific youth surveys and consultations with schools and groups. Clear demand emerged for events for the whole village aimed primarily at teenagers.

The Radfest committee therefore organised a music festival, RadFest 2k17 followed by RadFest 2k18 and Radfest 2019. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, unfortunately Radfest 2020 and 2021 were cancelled.  We came back with a bang in 2022 and had a record number of ticket sales, attracting approximately 2,800 ticketholders. All years, the event has been held at the local recreation ground and funded entirely by donations, grants and ticket sales. Initially aimed at 12-18s, all ages are welcome.  Each year volunteers come to help including marshals, technical teams, site decorators and litter pickers. Up until recently we have been able to raise sufficient funds to offer tickets at low cost, but this won’t be sustainable moving forward. We rely on donations and sponsorship to keep this event accessible and inclusive, so are always actively seeking potential supporters. If you would like to see this valuable community event that supports young performers and entrepreneurs continue please get in touch to discuss corporate sponsorship options – hello@radfest.org.uk   

Our next event, Radfest will be held on Saturday 8th June 2024.  We anticipate that up to 3,000 people will come along. We are looking at additional ways this year to engage young people and give them more ownership and involvement on how this event is run.  We want this year to be bigger and better than ever before.


We are always looking for volunteers on the day to help set-up, tidy away, marshal, litter pick, the list is endless - if you can offer any help whatsoever, please click the button below!

The best way to contact us is via our social media channels on Instagram and Facebook or email us at hello@radfest.org.uk

Alternatively, please use one of our enquiry forms on the home page to apply to perform, provide catering or to volunteer for Radfest.